Use a Car Table to Catch up on Emails
Some people travel constantly for work, which means that their life is just one long road trip. And while they may love their job, there's no doubt about the fact that working on the road can be difficult - mostly because a car just isn't that big! But if you're looking to catch up on emails while you're taking a much-deserved road trip break, might we suggest a mini car table?
This table slots around your steering wheel and sits on your lap, giving you space to type and work at your leisure. It's then easy to remove and slot under the seat when you're done.
Keep Bags Tidy by Hanging on Carabiners or Hooks
Going on a road trip with family means that you have to deal with a lot of luggage. But if you can't fit it all in the trunk of the car, you may find that you have to just shove bags underneath the back seats instead. This takes up all-important space, makes the car feel messy, and is generally just overwhelming. You can solve that problem by using carabiners or hooks, though.
By placing these carabiners on the headrest of the front seats, you can then hook the bags onto them and tidy up the car. It also means that they're easy to reach if you need them.
Cover Drinks With Plastic Wrap
No road trip would be complete without drinks and snacks, but what happens if you don't have cup holders in your car? Or what if the drive-thru forgets to put a lid on your cup? Well, you don't have to throw half of your drink out of the window to avoid spills. All you need to do is pop a roll of plastic wrap in the car and cover your cup like a makeshift lid.
This is the easiest way to prevent spills, and you still have the option to poke your straw through the middle of the plastic so you can drink it without taking off the DIY lid.
Create a Road Trip Map for the Children
Kids and cars are a risky combination. While children can normally deal with an hour-long drive from your house to their cousins' house, they struggle to deal with long highway journeys in the car from one state to another. And if you don't want a road trip rebellion on your hands, you have to keep them busy! So, why don't you create a road map for the kids to enjoy in the car?
You can make this out of paper and stick it to the roof of your car, and every so often, they can move the car a little bit closer to the final destination. You'll never hear "Are we there yet?" again!
Use Cookie Trays as Makeshift Desks
Keeping kids entertaining while you're on a road trip is one of the most difficult things anyone has ever done. One minute, they want to sleep, but then the next minute, they have a burst of energy, and they start bouncing off the car walls. Of course, that's not the kind of energy you want in your car, so it might be a good idea to pick up a few cookie trays on your next trip to the grocery store.
What's so great about these cookie trays is the fact that they can neatly sit on your kids' laps and double up as a desk for them. Then, they can draw, they can do puzzles, and they can make Play-Doh shapes.
Make Your Own Seatbelt Pillow
If we're being honest, being the driver is the best option when you're going on a road trip. Being a passenger can be extremely boring and uncomfortable - especially when you have a seatbelt digging into your ribs and you're struggling to sleep because you just can't get comfortable. However, a hack you might want to steal for your next road trip is this DIY seatbelt pillow made from stuffing and some fabric.
This pillow won't affect the integrity of the seatbelt, but it will make it more comfortable when you're in the car. You can even lean on it to catch a few winks.
Pack Solar Lights for the Evenings
To some people, a road trip is just a few hours. To others, a road trip is a few days of traveling around the country, stopping off at campsites or motels, and seeing what the area has to offer. But being away from home when the sun sets can be scary sometimes, which is why it's always a good idea to ensure that you pack at least one type of lighting option for your road trip.
If you don't have a torch or you're worried that it'll run out of battery, a solar light could be a great alternative. This way, it'll charge while you're driving, and be ready to use as soon as the sun goes down.
Stop Fighting Over the One Chord to Charge Your Phone - You Can All Charge at Once With Portable Solar Power Chargers
If you're going on a family road trip, there's a high chance that everyone in the car is going to be using their phone. The driver might use their phone for Google Maps, the passenger might use their phone to scroll through social media, and the kids in the back of the car will use their phones to watch cartoons, listen to music, and play games. But what happens when you run out of charge?
Instead of fighting over who uses the in-car charger, you could all get a solar-powered battery pack instead. This way, you can all charge your phones through the car window with ease.
Turn an Inflatable Pool Raft Into a Bed
If you're driving solo, it's important to remind yourself to take road trip breaks. You need to refuel yourself and your car, and you need to make sure that you're getting enough sleep. Of course, you could fork out for a motel, but if you just want to take a quick nap and save some money, you could also sleep in your car! You can even make a bed in your car.
If you buy an inflatable pool raft, you can turn the back seats of your car into a bed for your road trip nap. Just remember to pack some pillows and a blanket, too.
Buy a Middle Car Fridge
Is there anything worse than a warm drink on a hot summer's day when your AC is broken and you're still 2,000 miles away from your road trip destination? You need to stay hydrated when you're driving, but warm drinks can put you off. But you'll be happy to know that a plug-in car refrigerator can actually solve all of those problems. These fridges can be plugged into the car, giving you the chance to keep your drinks cold.
Of course, you don't just have to use it for drinks. You could also use it to store baby food, dog food, or just some adult snacks that you want to keep cool.
Hang an Ipad off the Sun Visor
Once upon a time, cars came with built-in screens and DVD players on the backs of seats, which made road trips a breeze. In today's modern age, however, DVDs are a thing of the past, and most people just use iPads instead. But what do you do to prevent car sickness? Well, if you don't want to pull over on the highway and double over by the side of the car, we'd suggest hanging an iPad off the sun visor instead.
This way, you're not looking down or making yourself sick, but you're still able to have some entertainment during the road trip. As long as you're not driving, of course!
Use a Pool Noodle to Stop Losing Things
Road trips are fun until you realize that you've dropped your phone down the crack in the car seats while you're racing down the highway. And if you've ever tried to wriggle your hand around there to find something you've lost, you'll know that it's basically impossible to find it again unless you stop driving, get out of the car, and physically look under the seats. And that's not what you want when you're on a time crunch.
However, if you cut foam pool noodles into smaller sections and stick them down the cracks, you can prevent any lost phones, snacks, or keys throughout your road trip. Pretty neat, right?
Save Money With Free Breakfast
How does free breakfast sound? Pretty good, right? Well, anyone who has ever been on a road trip will know that breakfast is indeed the most important meal of the day. It sets you up for a day of driving and fuels your body before you fuel the car. But instead of wasting your money and heading from your motel to the nearest Starbucks, you might want to choose a hotel with a free breakfast instead.
Although this may often seem like the more expensive option, it's often cheaper when you think about how much money you'd spend at Starbucks. Plus, you can grab some free snacks for the journey, too.
Place Cupcake Liners in Cup Holders
Driving a rental car for your road trip? Traveling with a bunch of kids? Whatever the case, there's a high chance that you want to keep your car clean and tidy during your road trip. And while some people think that's impossible when you're dealing with drinks, snacks, and sticky fingers, we're here to tell you that it's actually pretty easy. All you need to do is grab some cupcake liners from the cupboard!
By placing these cupcake liners into the cupcake holders, you can make sure that the liners protect any crumbs or liquids that try to get into the cup holders. It's as easy as that.
Change Your Lock Screen in Case You Lose Your Phone
There's a lot to think about when you're on a road trip, from filling up with gas to stopping at motels for all-important sleeping breaks. Because of this, you're bound to forget something along the way - and the last thing people want to lose is their phone. To plan for any eventuality, it's always a good idea to change the lock screen on your phone to include your name, an alternative phone number, and your address.
That way, a kind stranger may help to return your phone to you if you lose it. Of course, there's no guarantee that will happen, but you might as well try!
Use a Shower Caddy for Anything From Storing Car Supplies to Carrying Fast Food
Road trips have deadlines, and if you need to get to your destination by a certain deadline, you may not have the option to stop off at the side of the highway and have a proper meal in a diner. Instead, you might have to settle for take-out food and eat it while you're driving. But anyone who has ever tried to eat takeout while they're driving will know that it's messy business - and that's where a shower caddy can help.
By putting your food into the shower caddy, you can keep it both safe and separated from itself in one handy basket. Plus, everyone in the car can have their own, so there's no arguments. Alternatively, shower caddies can also be used to keep different equipment organized and ready-for-use in an emergency.
Keep Change in a Gum Cup
Depending on where you're driving on your road trip, you may encounter tolls. And while some tolls have entered the 21st century and accept cards, there are still some around the world that require change. However, keeping coins safe when you're in a car can be difficult. One big corner or one quick brake on the highway, and those coins are flying everywhere! A gum cup can help you with that, though.
By placing an empty gum cup in the center console of your car, you can use it as your very own coin purse. Then, when you come to a toll, you're ready with the cash.
Use a Shoe Organizer to Store Essentials
If you've ever tried to go on a road trip with children, you'll know that packing for a road trip is no mean feat. You have to pack all of the essentials, as well as things that you might not have even considered before. And one of the best ways to ensure that you have these things readily available is to attach a show organizer to the front seats of the car.
This way, you can have things organized and tidied away but still on hand whenever you need them. This is also a great way to store kids toys so they can keep themselves busy during the road trip.
Use a Crib Sheet as a Seat Protector
If you're heading off on a road trip with kids soon, you may have considered buying a seat protector. After all, if your kids are going to be playing, eating, drinking, and getting bored while sitting in the same seat for hours on end, they're going to make a mess! But why buy a proper seat cover when you've probably already got one at home? In fact, all you need is a crib sheet.
By placing this crib sheet over the seats, you can make your very own protector. And you have the added bonus of being able to take it off and wash it when the road trip is over.
Invest in a Five-Port Charger
In a world where phones rein supreme, heading off on a road trip without at least one charger is criminal. With this on hand, you can charge everything from your cell phone to your iPad. But what happens when you have multiple people in the car needing the same charger at the same time? This can result in road trip arguments, which most people want to avoid at all costs.
So, to prevent a screaming match, you might want to invest in a five-port charger. This means that everyone can charge their phones at the same time, and any potential arguments will be squashed.
Pack a Car Sickness Kit
Road trips aren't like regular drives in the car. They're long, they're uncomfortable, they're bumpy, and they can take their toll on even the strongest of stomachs. So, even if you've never experienced travel sickness before, it's still a good idea to make a DIY car sickness kit just in case. You don't have to buy anything fancy, either. You could just use one of your kids' old lunchboxes and fill it with the essentials.
In this lunchbox, you can add anti-sickness medication, anti-nausea wristbands, cleaning wipes, sick bags, and maybe even pack a spare set of clothes just in case you need them. You'll thank yourself for it later.
Turn Empty Bottles Into Food Containers
No road trip would be complete without snacks, right? But keeping these snacks organized and small enough to fit in the car can be difficult. After all, most people don't want to take a whole box of cereal or a whole multi-pack of chips on their road trip. However, a great way to portion your snacks while also keeping them fresh is to use empty bottles - like empty coffee creamer bottles, for examples.
By using these bottles, you can portion out as much as you need while still making them easily accessible to those on the road trip. So, you definitely won't go hungry!
Store Quarters in a Candy Tube
Whether you have to drive through tolls or you want to do some laundry while you're on your road trip, it's always handy to have a stack of quarters on you. But who really carries change anymore? It's super easy for these coins to get lost in pockets and in the car, which is why you might want to keep the tube that your kids' candy comes in next time you head to the grocery store.
These tubes are the perfect size for storing quarters, and finding this tube in the car is much easier than finding a few loose quarters for the gas station vending machine.
Download a Public Restroom App
Unless you have the pleasure of owning your own RV with its own bathroom, you're going to need to stop for bathroom breaks when you go on a road trip. But finding a public restroom when you need it can be hard, especially if you're in the middle of nowhere. Thankfully, the SitOrSquat app is perfect for road trippers who want to know where their nearest restroom is - and it's completely free.
Not only are there over 100,000 public restrooms on the app, but it'll also point you in the right direction when you choose the one you want to go to.
Have Your Paperwork Easily Accessible
Unless you drive erratically or give the police any reason to stop you, there's a high chance that you won't get pulled over while you're on your road trip. But, ultimately, you never know what's going to happen - so it's still a good idea to have your paperwork to hand. You should make sure that your driving license and registration are readily available, and easy to find if you do get pulled over.
In most cases, the easiest place to store these items is in the glove box or the center console. Just make sure that you ask the officer for permission to retrieve them before reaching in there.
Download Your Favorite Audiobooks
Road trips can be pretty long and tedious - especially if you're traveling by yourself. And while you could shove on the radio and listen to music, sometimes music just isn't enough to keep you occupied. If you want to switch things up, you might want to download your favorite audiobooks and listen to them instead. This can be particularly handy if you're road tripping back to college and need to get a head start on your reading.
Yes, more and more people are jumping back on the audiobook bandwagon, as there are so many different audiobooks out there. You could go educational or you could go entertaining. The choice is yours.
Turn Your Water off When You Leave
Although many of the road trip hacks on this list revolve around the road trip itself, you should also make sure that you prepare your home for your road trip before you leave. Of course, this involves locking all of the windows and doors and setting your house alarm - but this also involves turning your water off. After all, the last thing you want is for your house to flood while you're away.
By turning your water off, you can remove any chances of a burst water pipe or flooding, and it means that you won't have to pay for any water usage while you're away.
Pack Vitamin C Supplements to Stay Healthy
Heading off on a road trip is a whole new experience. For some, it's extremely tiring. For others, the new air and the germs from the highway gas stations prove too much for their immune system to handle. Because of this, many people find themselves feeling run-down or ill during a road trip. To prepare yourself for this possibility, you might want to pack some vitamin C supplements in your bags.
If you can, buy fresh oranges and citrus fruits. But if you can't, you could stock up on vitamins, liquid IVs, or tablets instead. This should ultimately perk you up.
Take a Power Bank Just in Case
In today's day and age, it's easy to find in-car phone chargers that allow you to charge your phone while you're driving. But these products can be temperamental, and they can also drain your car battery! So, you might want to consider taking a power bank, too. All you have to do is charge them up before you embark on your road trip, and you'll be able to utilise some extra charge with ease.
These power banks are also pretty handy when you're not on a road trip, too. You can use them on trains, buses, and even use them when you're at work.
Prevent Highway Hypnosis by Taking Breaks
Have you heard of "Highway Hypnosis"? This normally occurs when you've been driving for a few hours, and your brain will become foggy and zone out while you're driving. Of course, this is incredibly dangerous and could result in a collision if you're not careful. Because of this, you should do everything you can to prevent it - and one of the best ways to do that is to take frequent breaks.
If you can, you should also switch drivers every few hours. This gives you a chance to rest and recuperate before jumping back into the driving seat and continuing along the highway.
Use Apps to Save Money on Gas
In most cases, jumping in the car and driving to your destination is cheaper than flying or taking another form of transport. But we probably don't need to tell you that gas can be expensive - especially when you stop off along the highway. So, if you want to save money on gas, why don't you take advantage of apps like GasBuddy for example? This app is completely free to download but will still save you money in the process.
This app will tell you where the cheapest gas is in your area, and while you might need to travel a little further to fill up, this will ultimately work in your favor.
Plan Some Fun Detours
Many people see a road trip as a means to an end. They see the driving as a way to get to their final destination, and they forget about the fact that the road trip itself is an adventure. So, why not make it extra fun? By planning some fun detours along the way, you can not only break up the journey and give yourself a break from driving, but you can also see new places.
This is a great idea for those road tripping with kids, as it will keep them entertained and tire them out just in time for the next leg of the driving journey.
Keep an Eye Out for Pennies in Doors
One of the most important things you need to consider when going on a road trip is your safety. Your car is incredibly vulnerable to thieves, so it's always a good idea to know what to look out for. In fact, you should keep your eyes out for any pennies stuck in your door handles. It's been reported that thieves will do this as a way to stop you locking your car door.
If you can't lock your door, thieves will be able to steal anything from your car - or even the car itself. So, if you want to keep yourself safe, check for pennies before you lock your car.
Make Your Own GPS Holder
If you're trying to plan a road trip for as little money as possible, we don't blame you. These trips can work out to be incredibly expensive, as the little things can often add up to make one hefty bill. And if you don't want to shell out the cash for a GPS holder for your car, may we suggest making one yourself? To do this, all you'll need is a rubber band and a folder clip.
By sticking this contraption in your car vents, you can then make the most of your very own GPS holder. Although you'll probably still have to spend the money you saved on gas.
Schedule Stretching Breaks
By now, you should probably know that sitting down for too long can be extremely detrimental to your health. It can put you at risk for more serious conditions and can actually make you more tired - which is something you don't want to experience when you need to focus on driving. With this in mind, most experts would suggest scheduling stretching breaks at various points throughout your road trip adventure.
This will prevent any muscle cramps or tiredness and give you a chance to reinvigorate your mind and your body before getting back on the road again. Plus, you can tie it in with your bathroom breaks!
Check to See Which Side You Need to Fill up
If you're embarking on a road trip in a rental car, it's fair to say that you're going to be a little nervous. Driving a car you're not used to can be daunting, and it can take a little while to work out its little quirks and intricacies. But if you're not sure which side you need to fill the car up when you get to a gas station, the car should be able to tell you.
In fact, all you need to do is look at the dashboard and check out the arrow by the gas tank icon. If the arrow is pointing left, you should fill up on the left. If the arrow is on the right, fill up on the right.
Play Auto Bingo to Pass the Time
Some people love road trips, while others find them incredibly boring. If your family is part of the latter category, you might want to pack some games for the journey. But what kind of games can you play, we hear you ask? Well, how about Auto Bingo? While it may be similar to normal bingo, this game has a road trip edge and allows you to make the most of your road trip adventures.
On your auto bingo sheet, you'll have things like "fruit stand" and "cow". So, as soon as you see these things out of the car window, you can cross them off!
Pack Your Clothes in Laundry Baskets
If you're planning a road trip, you might feel inclined to pack your clothes in suitcases and then pack them in the car. But what you might not realize is that this may, in fact, be a waste of space. Suitcases are incredibly big and bulky, and they take up a huge amount of room in the trunk. Alongside this, they're also difficult to carry if you choose to stop off at a motel along the way.
To make things easier, you could opt to pack your clothes in laundry baskets instead. The handles make them easy to carry, and the small, stackable shapes make them even easier to pack in the trunk.
Stock up on Chewing Gum
Even if you're not a fan of chewing gum, stocking up on this stuff for your road trip is a must. Not only can chewing gum keep your breath smelling fresh after a long drive, but did you know that chewing gum can also settle your stomach when driving down a bumpy highway or driving up hills? Because of this, we'd recommend stopping off at the next gas station and grabbing a few packets.
A big perk of chewing gum is that it also comes in so many different flavors. So, if you're not a fan of the classic mint flavor, you don't have to worry!
Learn How to Change a Tire
Nowadays, most people have roadside assistance in case they break down or get a flat. And while there's definitely no shame in using something that you've paid for, it might also be a good idea to learn how to change a tire before you head off on your road trip. This means that you don't have to rely on roadside assistance when you get a flat or need to change it in a hurry.
After all, sometimes it can take hours for help to reach you. And if you can change your tire in under an hour, you can be on your way again in no time!