This article was originally published on 24/7Mirror
1. His Facial Expression is Pure Gold
“I’ll punch you if you don’t give me back my bow and arrow.” You don’t want to mess with the Cupid, trust us!

This is an adorable picture not only because of baby cupid, but this man's facial expression is perfect for this situation.
2. Empathy Level: 1000
"Here, I'll help you." This cute picture reminds us of the importance of small deeds.

The heart of this child is filled with kindness and care.
3. Nobody is Watching
“You can count on me, but make sure you don’t blow my cover,” the statue had some concerns.
Nobody saw it, except for the photographer. Oh, and the guy in the back.
4. Joining Others
"Hey! Let go of him!" Hopefully, they are holding on very tight.
Also, if enough people are doing this, we hope this statue doesn't break.
5. Hygiene is Important
Hygiene is one of the main things that can either turn on or turn off a woman. This is what this statue thought, as well. Maybe it was going on a date, who knows.
Although the original razor was lost through the tides of time, someone was kind enough to lend him a new one.
6. All The Single Ladies
"If you like it, then you shoulda put a ring on it."
This must be where Beyonce got the idea for her "Single Ladies" dance.
7. Another Reason to Fear Clowns?
Why so many people are afraid of clowns? Oh, that’s why! The fact that this clown just backslapped Superman, we know a big fight is going to break out real soon.

Who knows, maybe this clown is Pennywise the Dancing Clown.
8. "Let's Dance"
The kid behind this cute little girl said, “Hey, stop dancing and fall in line.”
But kids do whatever they want, and it looks like she is having a great time there.
9. "You Shall Not Pass"
We know it would’ve been much better if Sir Ian McKellen said, “you shall not pass”, but this little snowman is doing a pretty good job as well.
We appreciate the creativity of the person who came up with this idea. Respect earned.
10. "Seriously, Dude!”
"What is this wizardry?" Ben Franklin is seriously confused by this space-age technology.

He is about to take an amazing selfie, once he figures out how to use this strange contraption.
11. Run Like Hell
Why do you have to take advantage of a man who is distracted by his lady?

The bag looks a little too heavy to carry, so he won't be getting anywhere fast.
12. Powerful Mommy
Statue tug-o-war, who will win this match? Our money is on the statue.
This strong mom isn't letting go of her child anytime soon.
13. Aww…Can Someone Pass the Tissues, Please?
Pictures like these are the reason we love the internet. As you can find both good and bad stuff on the internet, you just need to know where to look.

It is an adorable picture that shows a hopeless romantic in the making.
14. "Back Off, He’s Mine!”
We will give full marks to her for turning a powerful-looking image into something entirely different.
Certainly, she isn’t shy to take what belongs to her, even if she has to do it forcefully.
15. "Ahh, What Have I Done!”
If you encounter a bear in the wild, we hope you don't end up like this, even though it is fake.
Or maybe, the bear is helping this person back on their bike. You be the judge.
16. Timing is Everything
We hope that it didn’t take too many shots to get this super fun photo. The timing of this photo shows their commitment level.
This statue is in Niigata City, Japan, and it celebrates the character, Taro Yamada, from popular manga comic "Dokaben."
17. Keep on Trying
“Honey, I said I am sorry. The traffic was terrible. I'm sorry I was so late getting here.”

This guy should keep on trying, even though she has a heart of “stone.”
18. It is Scary!
Okay, let’s be honest here. This is not funny and it actually freaked us out.
This must be the eggheads getting revenge on humans for having arms, legs, and bodies to walk around with.
19. Spidey in Big Trouble
Introducing a new villain to the Marvel Universe, Gold Face.
He is big. He is Bad. He is here to beat Spiderman, but spidey won't let that happen on his watch.
20. "Lady, I Have No Idea Where The Bathrooms Are”
"Do I look like a directory?" This woman asked the wrong statue for directions.

He is not in the mood to be answering everyone's pointless questions.
21. Dragging Done Right
“You are going home, putting on a suit and going to that interview. We are not going to have any more discussion on it.”
When your parents "subtly" tell you they want you to get a job and move out.
22. Pigeon From Another World
At first, this looked like a photo taken from the set of an upcoming movie, “Attack of the Pigeons.”

Why is this human being attacked? Because he was complaining about pigeons always pooping on cars and statues. We guess this guy won’t be complaining anymore.
23. Showing Cat Pictures
These two seem to be hitting it off. We see a beautiful friendship in their future.
We can say without a doubt that the master is impressed by his student.
24. Kung Fu Fan
The fact that statues look like they did not expect this to happen makes this picture even more impressive.

After seeing this photo, the only thing we thought about was the song “everybody loves Kung Fu fighting.”
25. Super Realistic
At first, it took us a second to identify the statue in this picture.

This statue is very realistic and quite creepy.
26. 50 Shades of Sculpture
This is one provocative sculpture. He is getting a little too handsy.

She doesn't seem to mind though. She is enjoying his tender embrace.
27. Listening Carefully
“Hey listen, did you know that Jamie and Suzie broke up?”

XOXO, Gossip (Statue) Girl
28. A Thorough Inspection
Well, this cowboy must be saying “just what I thought…you are no man!”

We are sure something really extraordinary came into your mind as well, but we are not going to talk about it. Let’s just hope that it was some random checking.
29. Great Timing
It looks like this warrior is crushing that woman’s head and thinking “I am so great that I can squish your puny little face with ease.”
The woman has nothing to do with this photo and all credit must be given to the photographer to taking the photo at the right moment.
30. "Hey, Thanks Lady”
Although we’re strongly against smoking and don’t promote it, we must admit that it is a pretty cool photo.

Given that this colossal neoclassical sculpture is not like other sculptures, all credit must be given to this person's creativity.
31. Right in The Stomach
Okay, this sculpture is quite famous among people in Japan who want to take photos with hilarious poses.

It could’ve been much better if he wasn’t smiling in this picture. Nevertheless, it was definitely worth including in our list.
32. Teaching a Lesson
“Hey missy, this is what you are going to get if you don’t follow dress rules.” And God, her face made this photo so realistic.

Have you watched the movie Matilda? Well, this particular photo reminded us of that movie. You should definitely watch it.
33. Just Breaking in The Line
We all know someone who doesn’t like to follow the rules and is always trying to do something different.
This kiddo broke into the line and acted so normal as if nothing had happened. Even if his parents told him to do it, we find this photo super cute.
34. "This is Not Sparta”
This lady looks like she takes karate classes, and she knows how to kick some butt. This sculpture was harassing people, and she decided to do something about it.
One thing you should learn from this photo is that you should never mess with a woman. Who knows she might kick your butt like this one.
35. Mean Man
We all have that one friend who is always pranking everyone else.
Sir, pick on someone your own size, not the little girl.
36. "I Said Eat It”
When conventional marketing tactics don’t work, you have to think outside of the box.

As people are switching to organic food, Ronald McDonald is forcing people into eating it (well, at least that what this picture shows).
37. Obama Having Fun
We can’t help but think that this is a really random place for a statue. Don’t you think?
But hey, who wouldn't want to share a meal or a drink with Obama?
38. Attack on Titan
Are you a fan of manga series Attack on Titan? If you haven’t watched it yet then please go watch it.

Universal Studios in Japan constructed an Attack on Titan experience that enables people to enjoy the feeling of being trapped inside the massive jaws of a Titan. So, these people knew what they had to do to create this nightmarish photo.
39. Shhh Don’t Tell Him
“First you gave me this backpack and though I wasn’t okay with it, I still agreed to wear it. Now it feels like I’m carrying dead weight.”

This woman took freeloading to a whole new level with this hilarious photo.
40. Playing the Drinking Game
Instead of just trying to win the game, this thoughtful gentleman is trying to make his opponent stay in the game as well.

We can hear words coming out of this photo: chug, chug, chug!
41. Not Cool, Man
We are a little concern for this guy here. Why put someone else’s finger in your nose, especially in public? Even if it is the finger of sculpture, there is no need to put it in your nose.

Who knows a bird sat on the finger and pooped? There is also a possibility that this finger has been in other people’s noses as well. Yuck…
42. The Kid Nailed It
When you take something from your older sibling, and they come to you looking for it.
We must appreciate this kid who had to go through all the trouble to get this cool photo and even his facial expression just made it more convincing.
43. The Grin Says It All
"Those ate some nice buns you got there."
Her grin says it all. She couldn't be happier to touch those buns of steel.